Thursday, October 18, 2007

Alexa Gwen---Super Smeller

They Might be Giants has a song called "John Lee-Super Taster"

Nothing tastes the same (nothing tastes the same)
To a Supertaster (Supertaster)
When he tastes a pear (tastes a pear)
It's like a hundred pears (it's like a million pears)
He's got superpowers (superpowers)
He is a Supertaster (Supertaster)

Alexa, however, is a SUPER SMELLER. Amy saw first hand just how "smell sensitive" Lex is when we were looking at the turkey's at cox farms:
In the morning, if I even breathe within 5 feet of her after drinking coffee, she'll freak out covering her nose saying "You have stinky coffee breath".
This is the same kid that loves to smell candles (not burning of course!) and loves perfume.

This morning, when I was saying good bye to her at creme, instead of giving me a kiss, she says: Lemme smell your tummy! Mommy, you smell good!

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