Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Case of the Missing Soft

Alexa LOVES to clean. She can spend hours organizing her room, putting things away, moving things around, and be completely content.  The problem that we seem to encounter is that once she is finished organizing,she enevitably does such a good job organizing and putting things away, that something is bound to be forgotten where she put it (i.e. Ms. Magoo loses a lot of things this way).

Case in point. Today was the annual 3rd grade Animal Fair at Sanders. The kids have been working on their projects for the past two months. Lex was fortunate enough to be able to report on the polar bear, her FAVORITEST animal in the entire world.  Last night, at approximately 8:30 pm, she remembers that she can bring Soft, her polar bear into school for animal fair.

Soft riding in Alexa's backpack on her bike

At approximately 8:45, we discover that Soft is MISSING! Alexa's tearing apart her room, going through bins, searching through drawers, her closet, the guest room, behind her chair. NO SOFT!!! It's now about 9:15, she's in full blown freak out mode, I'm in full blown freak out mode tearing apart the guest room, texting my mom, her dad, looking under mine and Michael's bed.  Lex even convinces MG to go into the basement with her (basements are scary to go alone after dark) with her to check there. No luck.

WHERE THE F IS SOFT?!?!  (background: I bought Soft on a business trip at Paper Source about three years ago and Lex LOVES him.) We finally convince her to go to bed and that we will see what we can do.

So this morning, she decides to bring Beary (brown bear) to Animal Fair because Beary has a cream belly and polar bears really do have black skin under their white fur. 

While I'm  hanging out with Lex at animal fair, my mom sends this text to me:

Text from GG
YAY!! GG saves the day! Soft was in the bottom of one of her drawstring bags,  hanging off the back of lex's bed.  WHEW!!!

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