Monday, March 31, 2008

My two Hortons'.

We saw Horton Hears a Who about two weeks ago with all of our friends. Lex and Bran both loved the movie so much that they decided to "scare" me in my office, disuised as Hortons. Here they are making funny faces to the Who speck.
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Happy 1 Year Engage-a-versary

One year ago today, Bran proposed :) We celebrated tonight by Bran making Rachel Ray's Tuna, Tomata, Bacon Lettuce sandwiches---(grilled tuna steaks, a sundried tomato spread, and peppered bacon)---YUM YUM! Then, finished with three rounds of Zingo! with Lexo Bean. Bran, would you ever have thought it would be this fun!
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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Kite Festival Part 2

The Kids had so much fun flying Olivia's Kite! It was the only one that seemed to take flight!
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Smithsonian Kite Festival-The Year of Petey the Parrot!

This past Saturday, we met up with the gang at the Mall in DC to fly kites in the annual Smithsonian Kite Festival. It was a gorgeous day and we had the unfortunate time of having our kite, Petey the Parrot who just would not fly! Finally, right before we were packing up, Petey took flight! YAY

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My little schmoo

Lexo Bean had her 5 year check up yesterday!
She has perfect vision and hearing....

And weighs 37.5 lbs and is 41.25 inches tall---both 25th percentile.
She's a petite little schmoo. The pediatrician predicts that Lex will be between 5'2" and 5'4" when she's older, which makes complete sense since I'm only 5'1 3/4 :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Disney World--Here we come

April 9-13th! SOOOOOO excited!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ahhhh, my shrek room

Bran and I had a super productive weekend this weekend while Lex was away. We painted my office a super cute, happy, green apple color (Behr: Japanese Fern). I absolutely adore it!
I was so excited to show Lex, "Mommy's New Office" and the first words out of her mouth "It's a shrek room."!

Poppa Honey's Here

My dad came down today to have a little visit with Lex. It is hysterical watching them interact. We went to dinner at Kobe, where my dad mistakenly called lex's napkin her towel, as in: Lex, wipe your hand with your towel, I mean napkin. Lex thought this was the funniest "joke" ever.

Then, tonight, Lex insisted that they sleep together. I was summoned to the guest room at one point because "Poppa honey says this is Barbie, mommy. Tell him that it's Hannah Montana." My poor dad! I was a tomboy and I'm sure he's not used to girly girl Lexo.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


For the past month, I've been getting my butt kicked twice a week by Master Teon Bynum,, a 5th degree black belt in Tae kwon Do. It is seriously the best workout I've ever had and I am already seeing changes in my body and how I workout in general. I leave each hour training refreshed, stronger, sweaty, and feeling like I can conquer whatever the rest of the day can bring. Teon makes each work out harder, fun, and seriously motivating that I cannot wait for the next week! My girls and I all have nicknames from Teon:
Amy=Thunder Legs
I'm feeling the urge to get shirts made! HA!
Anyway, I took the above picture in San Diego and now have it hanging in my office!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Gypsy

The gypsy, I mean Lexie, took Palm Tree to the park today since the weather was unbelievably gorgeous. As you can see, Lex has taken to wearing her headband around her head...ala, the gypsy comment. She definitely is a little fashionista and we had to "dress" for the park!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


After being out of commission yesterday with a migraine, I wanted to make it up to Lex for not doing anything fun....This afternoon we went to see the movie Penelope with Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon. Lex totally understood the movie and then wanted to be Penelope all night. This is her Penelope imitation at dinner
After her bath tonight, Lex decided that it wasn't enough to just hold her nose like a pig, she wanted one drawn around her nose...So tomorrow at school, when you see remnants of her purple nose, you know why!