Monday, September 17, 2007

Catching Up!

I have so many things to update this week about my blog! California trip, Lex's first girly sleepover, Palmer's surgery, Andrew's Birthday, and Lex's new room! Hopefully, I will get a second tonight to breathe!

I thought I would share two "Lexo-isms."

This morning, I was rushing around trying to dry my hair and prod Lex along into getting ready. My hair was half blow dried and sticking up in a million directions, when I told Lex: please listen to mommy so that I can finish drying my hair and it doesn't stay like this.

Alexa replies: But why mommy, your hair looks sexy like that.

Yesterday, Lex and I made monkey bread together and we started talking about my birthday.

Jen: Lex, will you make mommy a cake for her birthday?

Lex: Yes, mommy, I will make you a cinderalla cake (Alexa never says "yeah." She always says "yes" with a heavy accent on the "s").

Jen: Oh, that would be nice. Why don't you and Bran make mommy a cheesecake. I love cheesecake."

Lex: How 'bout we make you a diet cake?" That's what you need, a diet cake."

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