Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Office...

Last week, Lex had strep throat (again!) and wasn't up to par to return to school. I am planning a huge meeting for work, so I really couldn't work from home, so Lex came into work with me last Wednesday. Can I just say how well-behaved and good she was all day? She used all of her manners, introduced and shook hands with people, and amused herself so well! Then at the end of the day, decided to make herself cozy in the conference room where my team was working and took a nap! Sue, my boss, kept telling me that I need to bring Lex in more often! :) Thanks for making momma so proud, Lexo!

Peaking out the front window!

Adding drawings to my whiteboard in my office :)

Nap time with my laptop and all of the boxes I'm shipping to Montreal for my meeting this week!

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