Sunday, September 7, 2008

The List & Ladybug Rocks

At Lex's handwriting tutor, one of Mrs. Davis's kids painted a rock to look like a ladybug. Lex LOVES this rock and today when we left handwriting, Lex asked if we could do that. So on our way, she "wrote" a list that included: Make ladybug rocks. As soon as we pulled up at home, she told Bran that she had her list and I think he almost stroked out from the possibility of living with two females who make compulsive lists.
She's got her bucket full of green, black and red paint and now it's time to look for rocks (there's now plenty in the front yard since the tree is adios!)

Mommy, I'v got my lady bug telescope out so I can find the rocks (I kept calling it her monocle and she told me that's not what its called!)

Well, here's our rocks...the paint mismashed together, possibly because lex had to wash the rocks before we could paint them and her patience in letting them dry is just as good as mine :)
Notice Lex's outfit? : )

1 comment:

Me said...

very cute your outfit Lexo! So sad your tree is gone!!