Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Pee-Pee in the Chip Box

I know, know, what a crazy title but I didn't want to forget this incident as Alexa LOVES to re-tell this story OVER and OVER.

Last January, Lex, Bran, and I were driving back from Beth and John's house in Pennsylvania. I surprise snow squall (do we even have snow squalls in VA?--) occurred on our drive home through Frederick, MD. We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and wouldn't you guess, our little pal in the back seat all of sudden: HAD TO GO PEE PEE REALLY BAD.

Well, it's a blizzared outside the car, there's not a single store/fast food joint in site, but McGyver Mommy Jen, sees the Triscuit box in back seat and tells Lex:

You're going to have to pee pee in box.

Lex looks at me like I have two heads and then thinks this is the most hysterical thing she's ever heard. She cannot stop laughing and somehow gets distracted until we can pull over to go to the bathroom at a real bathroom.

Now, whenever we're on Route 15, she ALWAYS says,

"Remember how you wanted me to pee pee in box...hee hee..Pee pee in the chip box".

Ahhh, 4 year old humor.

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